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WG-31 – Computing Advances in Military Operations Research



Mary McDonald, Naval Postgraduate School, mlmcdona@nps.edu



Curtis Blais, Naval Postgraduate School, clblais@nps.edu

Jeffery Dixon, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, jeffery.dixon@jhuapl.edu

Meredith Schutt, Lockheed Martin Center for Innovation, meredith.schutt@lmco.com

Trey Vecera, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, trey.vecera@jhuapl.edu

Mitchell Kerman, Lockheed Martin MS2, mitchell.c.kerman@lmco.com



Otis Brooks, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, otis.brooks@jhuapl.edu



 This year's theme for the 77th Military Operations Research Society Symposium (MORSS), “Responding Globally, Leading Analytically”, will provide the opportunity to revisit potential analytical and operational uses of existing and emerging computer hardware/software technologies and computational methodologies that support the expanded needs and endeavors of Operations Research. MORSS Working Group 31 (WG-31), Computing Advances in Military Operations Research, remains focused on new and innovative computational capabilities and methodologies that can improve the ability of military analysts to provide expanded assessments and recommendations to decision makers. This working group seeks to focus on improving the computing infrastructure, by capturing enhanced development and utilization of techniques and innovative thinking, which will equip decision makers with new ways to handle the myriad complex decisions confronting them on a daily basis. To that end, WG-31 is looking for papers and presentations that delve into advances, concepts, methodologies, and techniques that support analysis of the multitude of issues facing the US military and homeland defense across its mission set.

WG-31 desires to understand computing advances that address these and other modern day issues, integrate past and current tools from multiple disciplines, and provide a glimpse into the visionary thinking to impart analytical recommendations to current and future issues. The following are some examples (not all-inclusive): computing advances which support the Global Information Grid (GIG) in an operational sense; new or improved analytical tools and novel approaches to new problems; advances in distributed interactive simulations, federations, and architectures; federation middleware; optimal model fidelity in federations; parallel computing including parallel algorithms, programming methods, and taxonomies that enables parallel computing systems; databases and their manipulation; high-dimensional data mining/analysis; modeling of terrain, weather, and other environmental effects pertinent to simulations; data fusion; graphical user interfaces, iconic languages and related human-machine interface issues; modeling advancements in areas such as virtual reality processes and systems; and complex adaptive systems, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques as they pertain to Military Operations Research.

WG-31 seeks to benefit the following applications with insights gained from computing advances (not all-inclusive): modeling and analysis of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency related operations, including information warfare; combat survivability analysis; modeling, simulation, and analysis of C4 systems; modeling stability, security, transition and reconstruction operations; consequence management and humanitarian assistance/disaster relief; course of action analysis, especially considering effects on non-combatants; mission area analysis; mission needs analysis; embedded training (transition from mission planning and rehearsal tools to real C4 linkages); management and analysis of large datasets; stochastic search and optimization; and system identification. WG-31 is interested in concepts under development and research as well as proven applications and techniques utilized in emerging areas of interest. We seek presentations which address successes across the Range of Military Operations (ROMO).


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