

This version was saved 15 years, 3 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Rafael E. Matos
on November 17, 2009 at 11:43:31 am



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Message from the MORS President on Human Behavior and Performance 

Our big event every year is our annual symposium and next year it will be held from 22-24 June 2010 at the Marine Corps Combat Development Command in Quantico, VA. This is where we have over 1000 scientists, operators, engineers and analysts meet to present their completed work, discuss work-in-progress, or discuss ideas for work in over 30 different working groups. This year we have taken a detailed look at our working group structure to ensure it is in line with current national security objectives. As the MORS President, I approved the splitting the “Warfighting Performance and Social Sciences” working group into two groups: the Social Sciences Methods and Applications Working Group and, new this year, the Human Behavior and Performance Focus Session.


Click Here For More Details


RIST Prize Call Has Been Issued


For the best implemented study submitted in response to a call for entries. Final judging takes place the Monday before the MORS Symposium (MORSS).  The Rist Prize now recognizes the practical benefit sound operations research can have on “real life” decision making and seeks the best implemented military operations research study from those submitted in response to a call for entries. The call solicits abstracts with letters of endorsement for implemented recommendations from studies or other operations research-based efforts, e.g., analyses, methodology improvements, that influenced major decisions or practices. Entries for individuals or teams submitted in response to this call will be eligible for consideration for the Rist Prize. There are two cash prizes that may be awarded: $3,000 for the winner and $1,000 for honorable mention  Contact Cynthia@mors.org with nominations.


The MORS 5 Year Plan -- read it and comment here




MORS will hold a Special Meeting on Power & Energy (P&E),

November 30th to December 3rd, 2009

WBB Consulting, Inc. World Headquarters in Reston, Virginia.

The P&E Special Meeting will focus on the requirements and metrics, science and technology, Modeling and Simulation (M&S), processes, and methodologies needed to address the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s (OSD’s) Energy Policy to consider operational energy risk from logistics demand and how to frame Energy Efficiency Key Performance Parameters. The P&E Special Meeting will also address the national security challenge of the combined criticality of operations reliant on stable energy sources and the vulnerability of the power grid and fuel distribution system. To find out more about this terrific meeting, please visit our website at www.mors.org or contact the MORS office at morsoffice@mors.org or 703.933.9070.



     LinkedIn: 148

     MORSNet editors: 79


    MORS LinkedIn Group       

Join the MORS Group on LinkedIn.com

The MORS LinkedIn group can be found at http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/119203/3D5ED70F40CA

The Face of MORS is in Facebook! Join the MORS Group at http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=114364660845&ref=nf

Follow latest news on Twitter at http://twitter.com/MORS_News



Working Groups

WG3 Strategic Relations and Influences

WG5 Homeland Defense and Civil Support

WG7 ISR and Intelligence Analysis

WG17 Casualty Estimation and Force Health Protection

WG27 Cost Analysis

WG29 Modeling, Simulation, and Wargaming

WG31 Computing Advances in Military Operations Research

WG32 Warfighter Performance and Social Sciences

WG/CG Chairs can request a collaboration page (the chair gets FULL editing priv on that page).  Email Rafael.


Committees of the Board of Directors

Executive Council

Board of Directors


Collaboration Committee

Communities of Practice Committee

Education and Professional Development Committee

Management Committee

Membership Committee


Professional Affairs Committee

Strategic Communications Project Committee

Committee Chairs can request a collaboration page (the chair gets FULL editing priv on that page).  Email Rafael. 


Meeting Coordination

Analytical Support for Maritime Domain Awareness & Counter-Piracy

77th MORSS

Analytic Agenda 2012

Meeting Organizers can request a collaboration page (the lead gets FULL editing priv on that page).  Email Rafael. 



Social Sciences Community of Practice

Wargaming Community of Practice

Deterrence Community of Practice

Experimentation Community of Practice

Use MORSNet to start something new.  Email Rafael for help.


HINT:  If you want to see the changes to this website as soon as they occur, you can monitor it using your personal settings, or you can use the RSS feed, link available at the bottom of all MORSNet pages.  


Read the Puff Piece, about all of the online opportunities connected with MORS.


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