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WG17 Casualty Estimation & Force Health Protection
Johnny Brock, Teledyne Brown Engineering,
James Zouris, Naval Health Research Center,
Bruce Shahbaz, Army Suicide Prevention Task Force,
Norman Reitter, Concurrent Technologies Corporation,
Pat McMurry, Center for AMEDD Strategic Studies,
PROSPECTUS for the 78th MORS Symposium, Quantico, VA, 22-24 June 2010 (Last updated October 1, 2009)
The 78th MORS Symposium theme "Leveraging OR for Global Security Operations" highlights the challenge for the analyst community to develop innovative methods and applications to provide world-class healthcare to America's globally deployed military forces.
The major thrust of this working group is the development and application of quantitative methods for estimating casualties and determining the requirements to manage the casualties in the health service support system. Casualty estimation encompasses personnel losses, such as the incidence of wounded-in-action, killed-in-action, disease and non-battle injured, psychiatric casualties, and fratricide. Health service support includes, but is not limited to, the following areas: medical treatment (to include area support), patient movement, hospitalization, to include forward resuscitative surgery, dental services, preventive medicine, veterinary services, combat and operational stress control, health service logistic support, medical laboratory services, blood collection and distribution, and command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I).
The Global War on Terrorism, transformation, and military support to civilian agencies for disaster response has created a tremendous challenge in supporting the broad range of military operations. The operational environments of interest range from stability, security, transition, and reconstruction operations to major combat operations with the use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons.
Workgroup 17 welcomes papers in concepts under development and research as well as proven applications and techniques from all disciplines that highlight the use of operations research methods in the subject areas listed. Past presenters have included operations research analyst, statisticians, behavior scientists, clinical providers, medical planners, logisticians, and other scientists.
CHARTER (Last updated October 1, 2009)
Purpose: This interdisciplinary working group provides a forum for identification, presentation, discussion and peer critique of ongoing and completed projects pertaining to casualty estimation and Force Health Protection. Force Health Protection includes all aspects of health service support planning, structure, and operations.
Discussion: The major thrust of this working group is the development and application of quantitative methods for estimating casualties and determining the requirements to manage the casualties in the health service support system.
Casualty estimation encompasses all forms of personnel losses, such as the incidence of wounded-in-action, killed-in-action, disease and non-battle injured, psychiatric casualties, and fratricide. The operational environments of interest range from stability, security, transition, and reconstruction operations to major combat operations with the use of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons. This operational environment also includes homeland security, homeland defense, and military support to civilian agencies for disaster response.
Force Health Protection employs the right mix of health service support capabilities, at the right time and at the right place, to provide effective and efficient care for US forces. HSS includes, but is not limited to, the following areas: medical treatment (to include area support), patient movement, hospitalization, to include forward resuscitative surgery, dental services, preventive medicine, veterinary services, combat and operational stress control, health service logistic support, medical laboratory services, blood collection and distribution, and command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I).
Other Working Groups: Working Group 17 is an integral component of Composite Group D (Resources / Readiness / Training). Additionally, Working Group 17 has a close working relationship with WG 2 (CBRN Defense), WG 19 (Logistics, Reliability and Maintainability) and WG 32 (Social Science Methods and Applications).
Comments (1)
Johnny Brock said
at 4:16 pm on Oct 15, 2009
As part of the CG/WG restructuring for 78th MORSS conducted in October 2009, the "Casualty Estimation & Force Health Protection" working group was renumber from 23 to 17.
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