Thanks to Mike Bailey for helping set this up. I've uploaded an initial draft concept brief called "MORS AA conf.ppt."
This conference is tentatively scheduled for March 1-4, 2010 at JHU APL. Co-sponsors are J8 and OSD PA&E. Steve Charbonneau (J8 WAD) and Royce Reiss (JDS) are with me on the organizing committee.
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DoD Directive 5230.9 states "military matters, national security issues, orsubjects of significant concern to the Department of Defense shall bereviewed for clearance by appropriate security review and public affairsoffices prior to release."
Comments (1) said
at 3:06 pm on Mar 2, 2009
Thanks to Mike Bailey for helping set this up. I've uploaded an initial draft concept brief called "MORS AA conf.ppt."
This conference is tentatively scheduled for March 1-4, 2010 at JHU APL. Co-sponsors are J8 and OSD PA&E. Steve Charbonneau (J8 WAD) and Royce Reiss (JDS) are with me on the organizing committee.
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