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Page history last edited by Mike 16 years, 2 months ago

77th MORSS Cordination Website

MORSS Cordinator Trina Lilly [Trena.Lilly@jhuapl.edu], proprietor





Comments (2)

Trena Lilly said

at 1:13 pm on Aug 25, 2008

77th MORS Overview and Site visit
Krista Paternostro, Colette Burgess and Trena Lilly visited Fort Leavenworth 6-8 August 2008 and met with Mike Bauman, Mike Ingram and the Fort Leavenworth team to discuss the 77th Symposium. Fort Leavenworth will purchase 40 unclassified laptops to help with the Symposium.

WG/CG chairs are working on their prospectus and charter which are due 27 August. A postcard will be sent out informing all when the Announcement and Call for Papers will be posted to the MORS website- tentatively in mid-October.

Mike Garrambone will build a team to assist in the tutorial sessions. He will provide guidance to the presenters. He will also need 6 rooms each day including Monday all day and lunchtime Tues-Thurs). We briefly discussed having an "Educators Session" but more discussion is needed.

International Participation
*As of today 8/22/08, we will not pursue Foreign Participation at the 77th MORSS but will to develop a standardized process for foreign participation.

Site Coordination
Mike Ingram is leading a team of volunteers from Fort Leavenworth. The Symposium will take place in 2 buildings: Lewis and Clark Center and Eisenhower Hall. We will not know the number or location of classrooms until January. Parking will be discouraged. They are working the specific IT and Security guidelines.

MORS Office
The hotels will be in the Kansas City airport area which is equal distance from Fort Leavenworth and downtown Kansas City. Transportation will be provided to Fort Leavenworth daily (no school buses).

The No-Host Social will be at the Lewis and Clark Center Tuesday, 16 June 2009.

The Wednesday night event will be a barbecue at the National World War I Museum in downtown Kansas City.

Colette is working on a possible guest program for those participants who may want to bring their families.

Rafael E. Matos said

at 7:49 am on Nov 10, 2008


I am still interested in assisting Mike Garrambone With the tutorials. Let me know if and how I can help.


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